
product types: 

  • bouzoukis
  • mandolins
  • ukuleles
  • acoustic guitars
  • bass guitars
  • electric guitars


Steve Barkman is a luthier based in Dunedun New Zealand. In the late 1970's, Steve began guitar repairs for local shops and individual customers. This eventually led to construction of his first guitar in 1989 and in 1998, Steve became a full-time Luthier. Steve has a workshop in Macandrew Bay on Otago peninsula, Dunedin where he makes instruments to custom order including acoustic guitars, ukuleles, mandolins and bouzoukis - as well as the occasional solid body bass and electric guitar. Steve also uses the Berghman brand for his mandolins.


Stephen M. Barkman Guitarmaker
15 Dickson Street Macandrew Bay
9014 Dunedin , OTA
New Zealand
Otago NZ