GRETSCH JET CLUB G1413 reviewed by upfrank

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I bought one of these, sold it two years later, and then bought another three years later. These guitars do have a certain, inexplicable charm; tough as nails, quality equal to MIM Fenders, and a bridge pickup that has a lovely growl AND SUSTAIN which I believe has much to do with a very dense, heavy, sandwiched multiple-laminents slab body. I mean, you're plugging it into an amp, not playing it acoustically around a camp fire? The guitar doesn't offer great bending of strings, not sure if it's because of it's shorter length? The best sound for me comes from delegating it rhythm guitar duties; playing somewhere between rough-clean and slightly dirty with something like a Les Paul taking on the lead work. Also could be used as an alternate tuning guitar, except E-flat tuning, the strings seems tgo slack (again due to shorter length?), but does well with drop D and open G.