Circle Strings

product types: 

  • mandolins
  • acoustic guitars
  • electric guitars


Adam Buchwald studied luthiery with Bob Jones in Brooklyn NY and then worked as chief repairman at Retrofet in Brooklyn NY alongside Steve Uhrik, Peter Kohman and Jason Petty. For 2 years he had the opportunity to repair and restore the world's most valuable and rare instruments and began to make guitars of his own. He then moved to Vermont where he taught guitar making and repair at Vermont Instruments and carried on with construction and repair for a few years. Then he worked at Froggy Bottom Guitars before finally opening his own Circle Strings workshop in Burlington, Vermont. He mostly makes guitars, mandolins, and more recently tenor guitars and double course tenors (ala octave mandolins).



8 Home Avenue
05401 Burlington , VT
United States
Vermont US