Siegmund Suspense Guitar

  • siegmund suspense hollow bodied electric guitar
    siegmund suspense hollow bodied electric guitar
  • siegmund suspense hollow bodied electric guitar - close up of body
    siegmund suspense hollow bodied electric guitar - close up of body


Brand name: 


  • electric guitars

Dates of manufacture: 


The Siegmund Suspense is a hollow-body electric guitar. Chris Siegmund designed the Suspense to reduce feedback problems often associated with amplified hollow bodied guitars. The Suspense has floating braces suspended inside a hollow body which support the wrap-around bridge (the bridge is not attached to the top like on most guitars).

The Suspense has the appearance of a solidbody guitar but the lively tone from the pickups sounds and feels like a unique semi-acoustic with beautiful sustain.Unplugged it has an unexpected and uniquely responsive sound and feel originating from within and traveling through the entire instrument.

Chris estimates ach one takes around 70 hours to make. Custom wood combinations anda flat top version are available. Like every Siegmund guitar, the Suspense is individually made to order with custom options. Price depends on construction time plus cost of hardware and parts., but the one in the photos would cost you  $5850 (in 2009).


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