PEAVEY T-25 reviews

PEAVEY T-25 Reviewed by: Anonymous Date: 2021
Im really impressed with the build quality of this guitar, I got one at a great price and bought it with the intention of selling it, but I couldn’t let it go after playing it. I had 2 T60s before this one and they where great guitars as well but really heavy and the pots and switches where too much for my needs, also the neck where too thin and I never got used to them. The T-25 solves all of those problems; its lighter, it has a more simple and easy circuit (it also does the coil split thing that the T60 does) and the neck is my favorite so far, I have 2 fender teles, jazzmaster, and a guild starfire. This one covers all and feels sturdier, I have no idea why this guitar wasn’t produced for longer, Its already almost 40 years old and it looks like it will last 100 years more easily. Get one if you can find one
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