Liutaio Mottola Libellula Upright Bass


Brand name: 


  • bass guitars

Dates of manufacture: 


The Libellula Electric Upright Bass is a solid body instrument with a piezo transducer in the bridge. Unlike most electric upright basses the Libellula instrument is wearable, it hangs from the player's body on a strap.

The Libellula is made from a single piece of mahogany and with a traditional pegbox and scroll and bass guitar machineheads. The neck has an adjustable trussrod and rosewood fingerboard is made of Madagascar rosewood. The bridge is made from hard maple.

Liutaio Mottola is a non-commercial enterprise, but there are downloadable instrument plans and construction details use if you want to try and make one of these basses yourself.

Link: Libellula Electric Upright Bass


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